Tuesday 16 August 2011

Personal Responsibility?

There are riots; there is a profound sense of amorality; there is an abdication of any accountability.
Politicians of all hues feel the need to pontificate and give us their view of blame alignment and new directions. All designed to reflect on them well, cynically irrespective of outcomes. In business riotous behaviour is exceedingly rare but there is a continuum of dissatisfaction, on which everyone figures. But where and what improves people’s position?
The answer is simple; we do. As leaders we make a difference to our teams as well as ourselves. We can have a direct impact on the performance of everyone with whom we have contact. The Government is preaching the mantra of personal responsibility and, to a degree, it is correct. However, it is only a small part of the story. We all must accept some responsibility for the actions of others; especially as leaders. If we only think about our own responsibilities we will not optimise the contributions of others and as leaders we are judged by the results of our team. People deliver everything or, if led poorly, nothing.
Of all of the skills and talents on which we focus, the weakest is leadership. Far too many people assume they are naturally great at being captain of the team without any form of learning and personal development. They do not need to understand people, comprehend any principles of motivation nor acquire the basics of the mechanisms of leadership. They are wrong, wrong, wrong.
Leading a team is a massively complex task which requires more thought and talent than any other. Every team member is different, every problem is different, every situation is different and without the strength of any education it is no surprise most leaders struggle. Being at the front of a team is a very stressful place to be but it can be the most satisfying. Knowing you made a difference, that you influenced for the better the behaviour of others and the organisation is improving is fantastically rewarding.
The question is where can really relevant and appropriate leadership development be found?
Ring me (07850 954075) or write to rob.ball@naturallyconcerned.com


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