Tuesday 24 February 2009


In the light of the debate regarding the potential reclassification of Ecstasy why don‘t we, to reduce the appalling effects of drugs, completely de-criminalise them. Whilst this is possibly counter intuitive for those of us who hate the use of these narcotics.
This would, for example;
- Take away the thrill of indulging in something mysterious and exciting.
- Eliminate the major activities of criminals for which the entrapment of users is fundamental.
- Prevent the criminalisation of tens of thousands of people, who have no real criminal intent, from both drug use and their actions to acquire money to satisfy the individuals’ needs. The majority of crime is carried out to fund these habits.
- Reduce the serious illnesses from used syringes and shared equipment.
- Allow police time to focus on real crime.
- Commit resources to making sure people understand the inherent dangers of drug taking. The ramifications of addiction are far greater than the penalties imposed by the criminal justice system. Addicts are not rational and we should not comfort ourselves that tweaking the law makes us safer.
- Legally delivered drugs would not be subject to impurities and potentially fatal concoctions. Doses could be measured.
- Provide revenue for the Treasury.
This is not a plea for increased drug use, quite the reverse, I want it eliminated. However, just saying, “stop or else” has not and will not have any impact. Driving the problem out of sight solves nothing. It is time to be a little more thoughtful.


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